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Our Current Team : -

LEADER: Jill Fidler                                                          DEPUTY-LEADER: Cathy Beamish

SECRETARY: Judy Hetherington                        TREASURER: Mike Beamish

NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Colin Jackson                 WEBSITE OFFICER: John Stephens

LIBRARIAN : Pamela Cox                                            PUBLICITY: Delma Hodges

The Purpose of the society -

Australian Plant Society members are interested in the development of all aspects of Australian plant species.

This is achieved through -

  • Promoting an interest in the growing and propagating of native plants.

  • Encouraging the recognition and development of Australian landscapes using Australian plants.

  • An endeavour to improve Australian plants as garden subjects.

  • Encouraging the preservation of our Australian flora.

  • Encouraging the nursery industry in the propagation and supply of Australian plants.

  • Provide support for the dissemination of information on all aspects of growing Australian plants.

Our group is based in the Latrobe Valley in west Gippsland, servicing the area around Morwell, Moe, Churchill and Traralgon.



Is the

Golden Grevillea -

Grevillea chrysophaea.

This is a

small shrub that grows in

the area surrounding

the Latrobe Valley.


Photo courtesy:

J Stephens


We meet in the Federation Training Morwell Campus buildings at the rear of Kernot Hall in Morwell.

Coming from Melbourne -

Turn off the Princes Highway at Monash Way,

(the exit to Churchill) and follow the off ramp

to the left.

At the roundabout just past the railway underpass, turn right into Civic Ct.

Parking is on the left prior to the next corner

and the meeting venue is on the right hand side.

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